"Psychopomp" from "Midday Album" on air.
The legendary radio DJ Mark Radcliffe included the song "River" in the tracklist of the Saturday show on BBC Radio 6.
"I've played Communication more than a dozen times before I sat down to write out these words. It's not that I needed to be convinced to share this album with you – it's that I just couldn't stop playing it."
"Distant Clouds" from "Water Atlas" album opened Adam Walton's radioshow at BBC Radio Wales.
"Change" from "Communication" album in tracklist of "Soundscapes" radioshow by Stephen McCauley
"Un musicien peut révéler des talents divers dans des styles musicaux très variés. C'est le cas de Max Ananyev qui, après avoir sorti Water Atlas, un album d'ambient où se distinguaient les sonortiés du piano et de la guitare sur des nappes très reposantes, propose cette fois un album composé uniquement autour de la guitare acoustique."
"Laurel Forest" opened radioshow at New Zealand's radio 95bFM.
"At the heart of Max Ananyev's music is the idea of the variation of dynamics and lack of a stable tempo in composition that mimic the unpredictable processes that occur in nature. "There is so much rhythm and tempo in our daily lives,"says Max, "it sometimes seems to me that our metronomic lifestyles deprives us of a certain freedom and means of expression."
"Time" in the tracklist of "Pacific Nations" radioshow by DJ Alex at legendary KEXP radio.
Worldwide FM DJ Ilya Rasskazov included "Time" in the tracklist of his show " Worldwide FM Moscow"
"È piuttosto un'ambience ovattata e dinamica a cogliersi nelle concise tracce di "The Way To The Ocean", che ben incarnano gli sconfinati orizzonti e i sentori salmastri dei paesaggi oceanici ai quali si riferisce il titolo, ispirato da un soggiorno di Ananyev sulla costa atlantica europea, che gli ha altresì suggerito una combinazione tra accenti latini e tradizioni folk orientali."
"Il y dévoile une fois encore un talent particulier pour faire émerger des notes de guitare célestes, produisant immédiatement un sentiment d'apaisement et de bien-être chez l'auditeur. Un album qui, à l'image de sa pochette, évoquera un ciel dégagé, un climat tempéré, un temps calme."
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